So I put a script here and copy paste
Yah, tahukah kamu di RPGMaker VX, banyak banget yang bilang Hit Rate, Evasion bergantung equip aja kan? Saya ada Script nya ... Dan tahu gak kalo Stats Agility fungsinya cuma turn cepat doank kan? Let my script fix it....
So.... Agility adalah kecepatan, jadi semakin tinggi Agi, mestinya makin tinggi Evasionnya kan? Sekarang copy Script yang berwarna hijau ini....
#Script Credit to Zetu, and Editing from
#So enjoy this, Edit at your own risk... oke
module AgiToEva
APPE = 15
# Agility Points Per Evasion - how many agility points you need for a single
# evasion point bonus. Always rounds down.
EFA_CAP = 100
# Evasion From Agility Cap - max amount of EVA points can be added by agility
EVA_CAP = 1000
# True Max EVA cap, recommend you just cap out the bonus agility and keep raw
# eva numbers low instead of having a true hard cap
# having this over 100 essentially means no cap
class Game_Actor
alias eva_before_agi eva
def eva
n = eva_before_agi # get raw evasion
raw_agi = [actor.parameters[5, @level] + @agi_plus, 0].max
# get raw agi, agility without equipment or states, minimum of 0
bonus_eva = [raw_agi / AgiToEva::APPE, AgiToEva::EFA_CAP].min
# get bonus eva, capped at EFA_CAP
n += bonus_eva # add agi bonus eva
n = [n, AgiToEva::EVA_CAP].min # reduces agi to the absolute cap, if necessary
return n # returns the modified evasion
class Game_Enemy
alias eva_before_agi eva
def eva
n = eva_before_agi # get raw evasion
raw_agi = [enemy.agi + @agi_plus, 0].max
# get raw agi, agility without states, minimum of 0
bonus_eva = [raw_agi / AgiToEva::APPE, AgiToEva::EFA_CAP].min
# get bonus eva, capped at EFA_CAP
n += bonus_eva # add agi bonus eva
n = [n, AgiToEva::EVA_CAP].min # reduces agi to the absolute cap, if necessary
return n # returns the modified evasion
Yang itu, evasion aja, kalo Hit Rate, saya males edit buat musuh... cari untung sendiri, yee~
#Script Credit to Zetu, and Editing from
#So enjoy this, Edit at your own risk... oke
module AgiToHit
APPHR = 10
# Agility Points Per Hit Ratio- how many attack points you need for a single
# hit point bonus. Always rounds down.
HRA_CAP = 100
# Hit Ratio From Attack Cap - max amount of HIT points can be added by hit ratio
HIT_CAP = 1000
# True Max EVA cap, recommend you just cap out the bonus attack and keep raw
# hitratio numbers low instead of having a true hard cap
# having this over 100 essentially means no cap
class Game_Actor
alias hit_before_agi hit
def hit
n = hit_before_agi # get raw hit ratio
raw_agi = [actor.parameters[5, @level] + @agi_plus, 0].max
bonus_hit = [raw_agi / AgiToHit::APPHR, AgiToHit::HRA_CAP].min
# get bonus hit, capped at HRA_CAP
n += bonus_hit # add atk bonus ehit
n = [n, AgiToHit::HIT_CAP].min # reduces atk to the absolute cap, if necessary
return n # returns the modified hit ratio
Ternyata critical juga bisa dikasih... uwah... No sir, no good.... Why?
Gak imbang, jelek dan ngapain.... tapi apa boleh buat, nih scriptnya.... bedanya ini berdasarkan Atk...
#Script Original but still edited, and Editing from
#So enjoy this, Edit at your own risk... oke
module AtkToCri
APPCR = 10
# Agility Points Per Hit Ratio- how many attack points you need for a single
# hit point bonus. Always rounds down.
CRA_CAP = 100
# Hit Ratio From Attack Cap - max amount of HIT points can be added by hit ratio
CRI_CAP = 1000
# True Max EVA cap, recommend you just cap out the bonus attack and keep raw
# hitratio numbers low instead of having a true hard cap
# having this over 100 essentially means no cap
class Game_Actor
alias cri_before_atk cri
def cri
n = cri_before_atk # get raw hit ratio
raw_atk = [actor.parameters[2, @level] + @atk_plus, 0].max
bonus_cri = [raw_atk / AtkToCri::APPCR, AtkToCri::CRA_CAP].min
# get bonus Crit, capped at HRA_CAP
n += bonus_cri # add atk bonus crit
n = [n, AtkToCri::CRI_CAP].min # reduces atk to the absolute cap, if necessary
return n # returns the modified hit ratio
Sebenernya udah ada dasar Stats nya
per Actor dah dikasih
Crit : 4% (Crit 8% kalo Option Critical bonus di cek, dari senjatanya +4%, maksimal 16% kalo dari Two Handed Style dan Crit bonus di cek)
Evasion : 5%
Hit Rate : 95%
cuma kalian gak dikasi tau... cek di script Game_Actor
Yah... seperti itu lah.... coba aja liat perbedaannya sendiri... Me now leaving...
Tadi ada bug... okay~
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